Industrial Skilling
The Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India was established to act as an apex body to initiate development programmes for the minority communities of India. The foremost mission of the ministry is to improve the socio-economic conditions of the minority communities with affirmative action towards development such that every citizen has equal opportunity to participate and actively contribute in the building of a lively nation. The Ministry also works towards facilitating an equitable share for minority communities in education, employment and other economic activities and to ensure their up-liftment in the society.The Ministry of Minority Affairs initiated-“Seekho aur Kamao (Learn & Earn)”, under the National Skill development Mission to upgrade the skills of minority youth in various field depending on their educational qualification, current economic growth trends and emergingmarket potential.
“Seekho AUR Kamao” (LEARN & EARN)
A Skill Development Initiative for Minorities
The “Seekho aur Kamao” initiatives for Minorities aims to skill the youth on various fields and minimalize unemployment gap and create employability options for existing workers, school dropouts and ensure their placement. The main objectives of the Seekho aur Kamo (Learn and Earn) mission is
Create employment opportunities for the minority youth.
Improvement on socio-economic conditions of the minority communities.
Placement based skill training with emphasis on soft skills,personality grooming at all.
Generate means of livelihood for marginalized families.
Equal opportunities in organized sector.
Strengthen the multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-religious character of our nation.
The Scheme is implemented for the benefit of the 6 notified minority communities under National commission for Minorities Act 1992 (Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Parsis), and other minority communities advised by the State government